I'm thrilled to have come 3rd place in Permajet's 'Light in the Dark' print competition. Apparently, there were hundreds of entries to this competition which was advertised last year in the middle of lockdown. Only now have Permajet been able to safely judge the images and come to a decision.
Printing is a particular passion of mine and I love to experiment with different paper types - I have many drawers full, some of which are not intended to be even used in a printer! The monochrome image I chose for the competition I thought perfectly suited the theme 'Light in the Dark' and I processed it with plenty of atmosphere and tension. I don't normally have time to enter competitions but as it was lockdown I thought I'd give it a go.
If you would like to learn how to create beautiful 'Giclee' fine art prints you might like to know that I have one space remaining on my 5-day (6 night) Yorkshire Dales printing workshop in November. Not only will we be taking autumn pictures in a beautiful part of the UK but also processing and printing them, too. You will learn how to process and print your images 'first time, every time', so you return home with a full understanding of the process and a portfolio of your work. Please check my Workshops Page for my current workshop program >>.